Saturday, May 5, 2007

Even Joe Kulka has a blog.

Joe Kulka?

Who's he? And why should I waste time reading his ramblings?

Other than the fact that you are already here, I can't think of one.

You probably would be better served picking up a book.

Like maybe this one, "Wolf's Coming!"

Wait a minute. Looks like I wrote that too.

Oh well.

Maybe my illustrations will keep you coming back.

Hope so. Thanks for stopping by.

Here's a sample spread from "Wolf's Coming" to whet your appetite.



B. Johansen Newman said...

Hey, Joe, welcome to the blogosphere! I KNEW you could get it done!

Now I am thrilled for selfish reasons: I know I will be enjoying your slightly warped sense of humor even more than before. Can't wait to see what that skewed brain of yours has to say....

Ruth McNally Barshaw said...

Congratulations on the birth of your new blog, Joe! I look forward to reading your ramblings.
BTW, your pumpkinhead guy in the wagon is one of my all-time favorite illustrations by anyone. It's sheer genius. Looking forward to more of that. No pressure, eh?

Andrea said...

The kids at my school (and the district librarians & I) were thrilled that you commented on my library blog and our district Bookworm Blog.

I really love Wolf's Coming! and I can't wait for more. I have suggested your book to my whole district and actually into cyberspace on goodreads and my personal blog as well.

I really look forward to whatever you have coming next.

Christy Killoran said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog. My children LOVE Wolf's Coming and we look forward to your dinosaur book!